Monday, November 23, 2009

~ Transitition Lens ~

Today is my bbil & bsil's 13th wedding anniversary. Since Bbil is not in SG, he has asked us to help him buy a bouquet of red roses for bsil. So sweet. :) I meet Hubby, Bsil and the kids at Kovan for dinner and she had a surprise when she saw the flowers. :D I'm pretty sure she is very happy. ^_^

After dinner, we went down to Upper Serangoon Shopping Center to collect my new glasses. Hubby said the sun in Manila is hot and suggested I make a pair of transition lens. Paid $185 and it is really cheap (my degree is very high and always need to do high index for thinner lens). I'm sure it would have cost more the $200 if I were to make the transition lens glasses from other shops. Uncle always give us special discounts as we are his customers since schooling days.

I'm still trying to get use to my new glasses. Uncle has reduced 50 degrees from both side as he said I am starting to have 老花眼. (Although he says it's normal... ) Gosh.. I'm getting old? Sniff sniff. Think I looked a bit different in it. Prettier I hope... Hhahahaha :p

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